from the gallery OVA OPTICS by Cheryl Townsend
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Sensual Egg
Sensual Egg

Egg Clavicle
Egg Clavicle

Egg Contemplation
Egg Contemplation


Ova Yoga
Ova Yoga

Rotton Eggs
Rotton Eggs

Handle With Care
Handle With Care

Cheryl 'cat' Townsend

     Cheryl A Townsend used to publish she just collects the poetry and answers disgruntled mail from the senders. Ahh. She runs cat's Impetuous Books in Kent, OH...where she also pretends to be doing business. She does a lot of photography and thinks that's where all her poetic vision went. She is probably fatter than the last time you saw her.

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Women's Art Recognition Movement
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