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" has taken a major design hit recently, with most of the member sites being updated. We've also added two new artists, Elliott & SilentDavid, and I am trying to keep an online journal of sorts, called d-log.

At the same time, is going great guns, with five short films, a quiz show and an mp3 review series. We're filming new stuff in March, but we really need your clips to get it going. Got a camcorder? Then email us: and join in our experiment."

dan symonds
• Dan Symonds is 27 and lives in London, England.
• He writes poetry, and wastes the rest of his time on various other crap, including maintaining a website.
• Most of the artwork and a bit of the poetry on the website is by his   partner in crime, Ju.
• visit Dan Symonds' songs of the walrus for more musings. cafe

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