Elvis Sighting - I

    driving to Columbus on I-77
    I stopped at a roadside rest
    to take a leak
    this baby blue caddy
    parked there
    with its hood up
    an old guy
    with long grey hair
    asked real polite-like
    if I had jumper cables
    could he use them
    since I did
    we jumped his battery
    never realized who it was
    until he said thank you,
    thank you very much

    West Salem Ohio

    Elvis Sighting II

    I was working the window
    at Burger King on route 42
    near the dragstrip
    one Sunday afternoon
    this southern-like voice orders
    4 Whopper's, 4 fries, 2 extra large cokes
    pulls up to the drive thru
    in this baby blue caddy
    windows tinted black
    the driver side rolls down
    it's Elvis behind the wheel
    asked for extra ketchup
    hands me a twenty
    says keep the change
    then drrives off

    Lodi Ohio

     Julie is a wage slave holed up in Ohio, and writes poems on company time. Some of which can be found on the web and in small inconsequential print zines. She is working on a chapbook to be sold at Border's, in the parking lot, out of the trunk of her car.
Julie Schillinger


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