a hush rushes

    Natural red & white
    upon your
    cheeks. A hush
    Rushes your smile
    before you
    speak. Holding
    my breath
    not a word moves.
    Cold clean
    fingers grasp
    into dance. Wet
    kisses .
    In the warmest
    embrace. Shadow-
    like, two become
    one. Deep
    passes of as innocents
    In view
    of traffic & the
    frozen food section.
    Animals accept
    one another
    just like this.
    Tattooed &
    transferred from
    a dream. Our
    grasp can not
    come apart.
    A hush
    Rushes your smile
    before you
    speak. Holding
    my breath
    not a word moves

    like jimi brian or janis

    Outside, its full of color & light. I dragged
    my crutches. I’ve shouted in love. I know
    perfection exists. I dragged out all of
    my potions . I left the ones that offered
    solution. Silence & soft escape, was that
    my mistake ? Thirst & quench all that
    is not bent. There is no need for Heat.
    Outside the sun floats low. 4:30pm &
    I feel like wasting this like its the end.
    Sitting deep in my seat I feel like jimi
    brian or janis . I’ll be on the right train
    when it rains . To know who I truly am.
    Silence & soft escape, is my timing too
    early ? Is it all too late, for this poet
    at the gate ? Is the next dance, whiskey
    & old lace ? You shuffle & you glance.
    You chose not to enter, to leave me alone.
    Is this your way of salvation. Peace of mind ?
    Shuffle to the bar. Sneak through the air
    meet him there. Seeing myself wasted.
    A little drunk, I started to think, that I finally
    thunk. Broken promises bent into excuse
    & ramblings of a drunk, buckles this wheel
    inside. Sounds of frost, dream & remorse
    will howl beneath the full moon tonight.
    Outside, the trees & houses turn burn orange.
    Darkness presses heavily at departure as
    I fight the Giant White Piano.

    4:30pm &
    I feel like wasting this like its the end.
    Sitting deep in my seat I feel like jimi
    brian or janis . I’ll be on the right train
    when it rains . You shuffle & you glance
    you chose not to enter. Outside the
    day had been wasted.

    stuck with wax

    You could see
    that, what is there.

    All these things
    in pretty flesh . Cheapen
    forgiveness, for him too .
    Extortion and strong
    talk, may have dried
    upon my tongue. I thought
    to my rescue, a rose , you are
    to hurt nor to harm ? These
    feathers stuck with wax .
    To now. In shade & cover
    in fern & flower like any other.
    These nails, I’ll not pretend
    have shouted pain. In stoic
    grimace & the howlings of
    the Sinister. All these things
    in pretty flesh fly , from reach
    of the dead ?
    I should only arrive with out
    arrival & leave through
    a Tradesman’s entrance .
    Disappear before this scene
    develops a thread. To ware
    this sheet of time is wrong.
    Extortion and strong
    talk, may have dried
    upon my tongue. Parables
    were outlined & wine spilt
    in my consumption. Though
    I have seen without looking
    and spoken as much . Of this
    and worse still. How still is
    your tongue ?
    To now. In shade & cover
    in fern & flower like any other.
    These nails, I’ll not pretend
    have shouted pain.

steve duski
     Having become insecure, when the cards delt are always the same, from the age of 9 i became the 'toilet poet'. Substantial trial & error has built me up to attack the Web. Born in a Small Town, i've no problem seeing that as Simple success. Together with the ashtrays of promise & the bedsheets still warm. Here within are some kisses & hidden messages from the mind of Starshoe. Let your eyes move inarticulate & sencative to the beat of moonlessness & howls of passion that will not be moved.

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