Installment 1

         I knew somewhere in me, in a far corner behind some organs, or between some corpuscles, or in one of the hemispheres, that I wanted you. I knew it almost instinctively.
         It's an otherworldly hot desert night, and the white unforgiving heat of the day has given way to the relentless whir of the circadia, and the lunatic fringe brain fry body awareness. It's almost dark now, the moon is full and the no breeze so still. The aqua in the pool is illuminated, and my thoughts are whirring with the circadia in anticipation.
         You knock, the dogs bark, I answer. There is an endearing nervousness rippling across your smile. We embrace that familiar friend way, only linger a bit longer. I fight instinctive tangents. We break the hold with simultaneous underbreath laughs. You follow me to the kitchen with your strawberries, chocolate, Corona, and tortillas, to add to the evenings tasties.
         With my head down, I feel you watching me as I slice the limes. "You did bring your suit?", I ask, smiling at you. You nod and ramble on about being out of shape.
         I smile and think, "yeah, right." We head to the patio with our Coronas and lime. The flies are swooping with desert summer persistence.
         "Taking requests for tunes," I offer. You select Melissa Etheridge, I select Sheryl Crow, and throw in Mazzy Star, and Shelby Lynne for good measure. The beers go fast. I get up to retrieve a second round, you follow me with strawberries and liquid chocolate. We feast on the succulence and smile at the decadence.
         Three Coronas into the night, inhibitions are relinquished. You ask me to fire up the jets. I turn on the spa that is already hot from the day. We slide out of our shorts down to our suits, and submerge to our necks. The silence between us is comfortable as we stare up at the connect the dots million stars, and the round white moon. Toes touch. We smile. I wonder if you can feel the warm surges that I am feeling. The tension is new hot palpable, yet oddly familiar. I am wondering who will overt first, as you slide your underwater hand up my inner thigh and pause.

    (to be continued)


    The parameters of the past
    came to visit
    and stayed too long

    letting go is

    calling one of the last few
    memorized numbers
    getting the machine
    and having nothing to say

    Malcontent in California

    self exiled refugee
    winter agitation in a tourist town
    homicidal urges
    to rear end tourists
    really hard
    as they pediddle down
    the road
    sucking Ensure from a straw

    driving a Jag under the influence
    of Ensure should be illegal
    in the State of California

    the desert blue

    monochromatic space
    endless room
    breathing room
    expansion room
    blackest nights
    endless stars
    words move again

    click for larger view

    little iris nightsky
    little iris nightsky
    misc clouds
    misc clouds

    lynne douglass

    Share Your World


    Lynne is a West Virgina Native living in Southern California. She takes photos and writes poetry.

    more of Lynne's work can be found at interweavezine

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